
Showing posts from 2016

Garden Route Road trip 2016

Bloukrans 2016 After months of intense planning, saving and preparations - we finally made it happen. Best road trip ever!    Since me and Fulu live all the way in Johannesburg, we had to fly all the way to Durban to meet up with Tshianeo and Grace. The night before was so intense, the excitement was real. At 2am we were up -- 3h00am we were heading to OR Tambo Int Airport. There we left our car at Rainbow parking services for 5 days. Was very affordable. Flights Check! We landed just before 7am in the morning. Flight was a bit bumpy - But we made it. We met Tshianeo and Grace - Got on the road and headed for Port Sheptone. We arrived at the lovely little town. Obviously - Breakfast was in order. We sat down at Jaxx. Awesome food! And we have a great view of the ocean. After breakfast we went to the beach, go a great view. We even saw some dudes paragliding (Got inspired) Stomachs filled. High o