Soweto Towers Bungee Jump

Orlando, Soweto Towers

So i decide, hey - lets get the blood flowing right...i hit up google and bamm! Bungee jumping, i'm like why not right.

So i drive down to orlando, soweto bungee towers. They converted two old power towers into an awesome adrineline site. I went to the reception, Paid a R480 admin fee + an optional R100 for photo's.
They don't allow cameras on the towers, so if you want a good selfie, you have to pay for the photos
We started wit prep from the ground and got transported up by an elivator - That's when the fear started #HeartRacing

 From the top of the towers the view is amazing...
As you wait for your fate to be decide, don't look down! - You will start questioning yourself and start thinking, what am i doing here - i could DIE!

The guys will hook you up and you take the long walk accross a shaky rope bridge that looks like it's going to fall or break at any point. By then, you are ready to dump a load of your pents. That's when you start thinking about going back!

The guys there were super good at their Jobs, which gave me confidence.
Then it starts....

"Come to the edge" - Those words echo for a while, i stood up and went over. At that point, there is no return. If you don't jump you forfeit your cash!

I was shaking at that point, nervous, scared - my body was trying to understand what i was about to subject it too. Instict kicks in, and you have to go against your nature of self preservation.
Closed my eyes, and stepped off!!!

It went by so fast, but it was great fun. I have never appreciated the ground like i did when i was lowered down. 
It was definately worth it!


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